Summer Landscape Lighting
Posted on July 17, 2014
Fine evening, lit by the fountain in the garden
Despite the intense heat here in our North Texas service area, the summer is a wonderful time to spend outdoors, especially the evening and early nighttime hours. Whether your idea of a great time outside consists of socializing, relaxing, cooking, exercising, or even working,landscape lighting can prolong the hours spent outside, well into the night.
Landscape lighting can be used to accent areas to be appealing when it’s dark outside and aid in outdoor activities. Things such as ornamental trees, a fountain, rocks, or artwork can be highlighted to be visible from the house or other areas in the yard such as the patio or swimming pool. Adding light fixtures at specific points along the fence as well as along a path, can add dimension and visual interest to your yard. Light can be directed from a tree above to the patio below to give the effect of moonlighting during a late evening meal. Unique light fixtures can be installed to illuminate a cooking area, making it accessible even after the sun has set.
Typically, it is easiest from a design stand point to create a lighting system from scratch rather than adding to an existing system. This is because the existing lighting system may be old and worn out and fixing it would be more costly than starting from the beginning. But if your existing system is in good condition and installed properly with care and know how, being able to add lighting fixtures is highly likely. It’s just a matter of determining what already exists, what capacity of the existing system has been used, and how much more can be added.
Lighting is more than just popping in some lights here and there. We take time and care in designing a lighting system that is right for your property and your lifestyle so that it enhances how you use your outdoor living space. If you use your outdoor space to entertain families and kids of all ages, adding colored lighting in or near pool and water feature areas may be right up your alley. Or maybe you prefer the tranquility of the rustling leaves in the breeze, in which case, moon lighting from above in various parts of the backyard could provide a nice relaxing atmosphere.
Whatever your imagination can visualize, landscape lighting can create it!
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